Referencing or working inside of very large PDF files isn't always easy. You can spend much of your time simply hunting around, trying to find the right information in a lengthy document. Whether you're working from files supplied to you by your vendors or using large combined documents produced within your business is a common concern. Even when you know some of the text you're looking for, finding it, and navigating to it can take too long.
Effective bookmarks in a PDF file are the best way to bypass this bottleneck. However, most PDFs don't have bookmarks as a part of the file by default. Instead, you'll need to take the opportunity to bookmark the parts of the document that are most important for you to revisit. With the proper bookmark setup, you can automatically generate a table of contents for even more rapid navigation throughout the document.
With Tungsten Power PDF, setting up bookmarks isn't hard. The process is easy to learn and highly flexible, so you can approach this task in whatever way you prefer. Let's look at what effective bookmarking is like in Power PDF.
Making bookmarks in 3 steps
Power PDF includes multiple ways to create bookmarks depending on your specific needs. Getting started is as simple as locating the "Bookmarks" panel on the main ribbon of Power PDF's user interface. Once you've done that, you can begin:
- Select the text you want to use as an anchor for your bookmark using the bookmark panel's Select Tool.
- Press the new bookmark button with the plus sign icon or using the keyboard shortcut CMD/CTRL + B. The text automatically appears in your bookmarks list.
- You can also bookmark an entire page by simply pressing the "New bookmark" button and giving the location a unique name.
Bookmarks in Power PDF are easy to create and organize, but you can do even more with them.
Related Post: How To Create a Table of Contents in Any PDF
Applying custom bookmark actions
In Power PDF, you can customize what happens when you click on a bookmark for the document. By right-clicking on a bookmark or clicking the gear icon and selecting "properties," you can change how bookmarks look and behave. While bookmarks usually just take you straight to a PDF page, you can also define custom actions that include:
- Opening a link to the web or opening a different file
- Running custom JavaScript
- Show or hide form fields for use
- Reset form fields or auto-populate, and more
With these advanced solutions, you can customize how you interact with any document.
Find the functionality you need today
Building bookmarks into a PDF is the simplest way to make navigation a stress-free experience. Instead of spending too much time trying to find information all over again, a few clicks are all you need for Power PDF to take you straight back to the right spot. More than that, Power PDF lets you edit PDF files fully. From file conversions and optical character recognition to robust PDF manipulation tools and advanced functionality, it's a tool every business should have available. See why when you download a trial version, that's yours to try free for 15 days.